Eliška Mašková
Veterinary Research InsÆŸ tute, Czech Republic
Dr. Eliška Mašková is a researcher at the Veterinary Research InsÆŸ tute. She completed her Ph.D. at the Department of PharmaceuÆŸ cs, Faculty of Pharmacy. Her doctoral research invesÆŸ gates the use of the important pharmaceuÆŸ cal excipient, hypromellose in controlled release dosage forms, parÆŸ cularly in oral matrix tablets and in innovaÆŸ ve oromucosal mucoadhesive dosage forms. She currently works to develop a novel mucoadhesive fi lm formulaÆŸ ons intended for non-invasive oromucosal delivery of diff erent physiologically acÆŸ ve ingredients, mainly mucosal vaccines and therapeuÆŸ c nanoparÆŸ cles. She received the award for an innovaÆŸ ve step in the fi eld of medicine and pharmacy Discovery Award 2017.